Memnune Mayda: “Our only child is definitely not a traitor”

March 27, 2017

Özkan Mayda, a former sports journalist for Zaman, has been imprisoned in Turkey.

Özkan Mayda, an Antalya-based photojournalist for the Zaman daily, was arrested in the wake of the 15 July attempted coup in Turkey. He is just one of the over 150 journalists currently in jail in the country.

Counter-terrorism police in the southern province detained Mayda on 23 July 2016. He has been in detention for 247 days.

Zaman was among the more than 100 newspapers, broadcasters, news agencies, and magazines the Turkish government ordered closed using emergency powers assumed after the failed coup.

This month, Mayda’s mother, Memnune Mayda, wrote to Index on Censorship.

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